After a night with no meaningful baseball games aka the Reds had an off day we hit the first BIG stretch of games this season. Everyone seems to think this will make or break the Reds, but I'm looking more towards the Sept 22-Oct 4 games against the Pirates, Astros, Cards, and Pirates. Call me Rod Tidwell, but SHOW ME THE MONEY cause the Reds are going to be playing meaningful games in September.
Other than Tiger Woods, when he's on, name me one person you'd rather watch than LeBron??? Sure a dance off between blog favorites Julieanne Hough and Erin Andrews would be amazing, but owning the 4th quarter and pushing the series forward is off da chainz.
Happy Birthday to my favorite Red Eric Davis! It's a joke this guy doesn't get more HOF votes. Give me an outfield with Davis manning LF or CF any day and that's a guaranteed winner!
I'm not even sure what to say about his http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2009/05/28/state/n073959D94.DTL&tsp=1 but I'm pretty sure regardless of which team you play for your a dude therefore a prom KING. We tried to swing the vote back in the day, but nothing like this. Big Donkey will agree... long live STEVE FOLTZ!
I'll keep this short as it's almost quitting time, but I'll take a page out of Big Donkey's... take the under on the Braves/D-backs game tonight.
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