1)Let me talk a little about how happy this win makes me. I spent my 1st wedding anniversary weekend in a nice hotel downtown at the Marriot Riverscenter in Covington. When I got there Saturday evening, I wasn't expecting to see anything like what I saw. Bears fans, after Bears fans were taking over our city. Covington was nothing but Bears fans. Our hotel lobby was full of Bears fans. The restaurant where we ate, was full of Bears fans. Instantly, I hated Bears fans. Everywhere I went, there were Chris Farley look alikes yelling DA BEARS non stop. On my way to the game, in the elevator of our Hotel, I had one fan ask me what Cedric was going to do today against this Bears defense. I just smiled and said probably not very much. Boy I was looking for that motherfucker after the game and he's lucky I didn't find him in the lobby. I hope every one of those motherfucking Bears fans enjoy there 5hour drive back to "SHITcago". Yes I just made that up, feel free to use it.
2) The game was something special. Im not sure what team that was I was watching. But this team continues to amaze week in and week out. I saw large holes for Cedric to run through. I saw wide open recievers down feild. I saw Chad go over the middle. I saw Laverneous Coles. I saw Bernard Scott. I saw JT O'Sullivan because we were kicking ass so much. Hell I might be mistaken, but I think I saw fuckin' Peko line up as a full back. And what the hell, we had a TD catch by some Tight End named Foschi??? BOY THIS IS SWEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!
3)Im so glad Da Bears gave Cutler that 2yr extension this week. He deserves it cuz he sucks too.
4)Im reading about how were supposed to give some love to Bob Bratkowski now. Maybe we should. Maybe we shouldn't. He's done a much better job this season but I think the love has to go to the guys who are blocking for Carson. Then the guys who are catching Carsons passes. Then the guys that are getting turnovers and putting Carson in great field position. Keep winning games by 30+ an we'll might start praising you Bob.
5)How fucking beautiful are those snaps to the holder on FG's and Extra Pts? Pro Bowl like snaps. Take notes Brad St. Louis.
6)Leon Hall and Cedric Benson are no doubt first time Pro Bowlers this year.
7)Let give credit where credit is due. Mike Brown is genius. Yes I said Mike Brown:
-Resigns Chris Henry
-Doesn't trade Esteban Ochocinco live everyone wanted
-Doesn't trade Esteban Ochocinco live everyone wanted
-Never caved in to Andre Smith's contract demands
-Signed a troubled former 1st Round pick in Cedric Benson
-Let go of a pro bowl reciever named Doushbagzadah
-Accepted the offer to do Hard Knocks
-My next guess is he'll bring Bruce Smith out of retirment to play Defensive End in place of Odom
8)Off topic. Make sure you give the show SportsNation a shot everyonce in awhile. Dennis Neagle and I have fallen in love with Michelle Beadle who does this show with Collin Cowherd. She's possibly the greatest woman ever. Pretty hot and knows everything about sports.

9) This has potential to be one of the best years in sports in this area. Bengals are just rollin' right now. Cincinnati Bearcats football is possibly looking at another BCS game and maybe a National Championship chance. Kentucky basketball is back on top of the world. UC and Xavier both will be very good teams again. And the Reds still suck. Keep up the great work guys!
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