*For those who are wondering, Dennis Neagle is in Vegas this weekend that partially the reason why bloggin has been slow. I recieved a text at 3:45am on Thursday that said "I can't find the Montecito" For those that don't follow, you should get hooked on the hit series Las Vegas now airing reruns on TNT. Or just buy all the seasons on DVD because every episode is can't miss entertainment. Hot chicks everywhere! From Delinda Deline to Sam Marquez this show has the hottest cast ever established. Danny "THE MAN" McCoy just straight laying wood and fighting Casino crime. So while Denny is out in Vegas chillin with the empolyees of hte Montecito, I'm chilling at home watching sports and movies this weeekend. God Im a loser!
*US OPEN: Pretty impressive day by on Friday by Mike Weir. Did that leaderboared really just say David Duval? Is this a rerun from few years back while it must be still raining in NY. I love the US OPEN. Nothing says Golf like watching these guys struggle like I would. How bad is Chris Berman? Bad enough on NFL but Golf is even worse.
REDS: Reds can't hit a lick. We've established that, but now they need to do something about it before it cost us the entire season. Get Drew Stubbs up here, let him give CF a shot. We sure as hell know Willy Taveres isn't the full-time answer. Votto is working out in Sarasota right now. Hopefully getting his shit together. Dennis Neagle said he saw him in the airport on Wednesday and no lie Joey was dressed very queer Neagle relayed to me. We got to get a regurlar everyday 3B in here. And what is going to happen if Ryan Hannigan gets hurt?
*UK: Now that Meeks is gone...who plays SG for the CATS. The guards on this team John Wall, Eric Beldsoe, DeAndre Liggins, Darnell Dodson (hopefully the answer), Jon Hood and maybe Darius Miller.
*I freakin love Megan Fox. Watch this video, this broad can straight bring it.
*Nick Brunker is idiot that is on 1530Homer sometimes. I really can't stand him, but I give him props. This kid straight brings it on his blog everday with the hottest damn chicks I've ever seen. Here is his gallery!
*As for the 1 Night Stand Contest. Look for it to get started again next week for the final round. I think we have decided to award Lisa Guererro the winner last week in the tiebreak, just because there are more hot pics of her on the Web than Erin Andrews. Don't get me wrong though, this site loves us some Erin Andrews. If you got dirty pics of her, send em to us.
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